Que la economía es cíclica, es algo que la gente vinculada a esta Ciencia sabe desde que empezó a sumergirse en ella. Pero una cosa son los vaivenes habituales en el consumo o la inversión, con correcciones automáticas en los mercados, y otra cosa muy distinta son los cambios bruscos en los grandes agregados macroeconómicos. Los cambios bruscos se explican por alteraciones bruscas en los factores que conforman estos agregados, y señores neoliberales no existe mano invisible suficientemente hábil que autocorrija tales desvaríos, si Adam Smith levantara la cabeza hoy en día se echaría a temblar con semejantes seguidores. Ya pueden vaporizarse la sesera reformulando nuevas teorías monetarias en la escuela de Chicago, ponerle velitas a Milton Friedman, que mientras no incluyan la variable codicia en sus reformulaciones, seguiremos con los crash habituales. La crisis del 29 actuó sobre los agregados de la Demanda, fue una crísis de sobreproducción, las espectativas eran tan altas y el flujo de inversores en bolsa tan elevado que un buen día el exceso de stocks productivos de las empresas ya no se vendían, las acciones ya no cubrían los beneficios esperados y cundió el pánico, otra vez el elemento codicia propio de la naturaleza humana hizo acto de presencia. La crisis de los años 70 fue una crísis de Oferta, por primera vez con paro e inflación, una repentina subida del precio del petróleo nos pilló a todos en Calzoncillos, el elemento codicia basado en un modelo de crecimiento con tecnologías baratas despilfarradoras en el uso del petróleo volvió a provocar un nuevo Crash. Similar al del 29 fue el pequeño susto del 87 aunque en menor medida. Los bonos basura y las espectativas codiciosas depositadas en el rendimiento con alto riesgo en paquetes de acciones de grandes grupos que ofrecían milagrosas rentabilidades y nuevos campos de negocio como la biotecnología, se desinflaron de golpe. Aunque sus efectos se arrastraron hasta mediados de los 90, afectando a los países con mayores déficit público vía sistemas monetarios como nuestro país, que estaba de lleno en una transición a presunto Inadaptado. En la actual crísis financiera vuelve a aparecer nuevamente el elemento codicia, protagonizado por los altos gestores del mundo financiero. A sus elevados trenes de vida cuesta acostumbrarse poco y a desacostumbrarse mucho, y mantenerlos a supuesto empaquetar la mierda haciéndola diversa y confiando en que oliese menos si se repartía por todos los sistemas financieros del planeta. Contribuyendo con sus productos financieros de diseño y alto riesgo al continuo inflado de la búrbuja inmobiliaria. Nuevamente la mano invisible que todo lo equilibra de Adam Smith, no solo no equilibra todo por acto de magia si no que mucho menos se convierte en virtud pública. Ante este panorama solo queda un cartucho si se quiere seguir con el viejo y caduco sistema, y Obama lo sabe. Siguiendo las sendas marcadas por Roosvelt y su New Deal en los años 30, vamos a poner a la gente a cavar zanjas y a rehabilitar inmovilizado con dinero público a ver si la cosa mejora, aunque realmente entre las humeantes ruinas de media Europa después de la segunda guerra mundial encontremos el origen de la recuperación. Había mucho que reconstruir y muchos potenciales consumidores demandando cosas que no se fabricaban.
Mientras no se constituya un nuevo modelo de crecimiento que se tome muy en serio la variable fantasma codicia humana, con verdaderos órganos multilaterales con poder internacional, regulación y arbitraje en los mercados financieros globalizados actuales . Mientras los altos cargos de la economía de este mundo sigan proviniendo de escuelas sectarias y clasistas de negocios sin ética ni estética, seguiremos con los Crash habituales, ya sea con gobiernos más o menos intervencionistas.
That the economy is cyclical, it is something people linked to this science knows since it began to dive into it. But one thing are the usual swings in consumption or investment, with automatic corrections in the markets, and otherwise very different are sudden changes in the major macroeconomic aggregates. Sudden changes are explained by sudden changes in the factors that make up these aggregates, ladies and gentlemen neo-liberal there is no invisible hand sufficiently skillful autocorrection such ravings, if Adam Smith lifted the head today would be tossed to tremble with similar followers. Already can vaporize the think-tank being redesigned new monetary theories in the Chicago school, put candles Milton Friedman, who while do not include the variable greed in its reformulations, we will continue with the usual crash. The crisis of the 29 served on the aggregates of the claim, it was a crisis of overproduction, expectations were so high and the flow of investors in the stock market so high that a good day the excess stocks productive companies no longer being sold, the actions will no longer cover the expected benefits and panic spread, again the greed element inherent in human nature made act of presence. The crisis of the 1970s was a crisis of supply, for the first time with unemployment and inflation, a sudden rise in the price of oil caught us all in his underpants, the element greed based on a growth model with discounted technologies wasteful in the use of the oil returned to provoke a new crash. Similar to that of the 29 was the small scare 87 although to a lesser extent. The junk bonds and expectations greedy deposited in the performance with a high risk in packages of actions of large groups that offered miraculous yields and new fields of business such as biotechnology, deflated coup d'état. Although their effects are dragged until the mid-nineties, affecting the countries with the largest deficit via monetary systems as our country, that it was filled with a transition to alleged Misfit. In the current financial crisis reappears again the element greed, starring the top managers of the financial world. Their high trains of life is hard work getting used little and helps wean the baby off much, and keep them in course package the shit making it diverse and trusting that smelling less if they cheered by all the financial systems of the planet. To contribute to their financial products of design and high risk to the continued inflated of the real estate bubble. Again the invisible hand that everything balances of Adam Smith, not only does not balances all by act of magic if not that much less becomes a virtue public. Faced with this panorama is only a cartridge if it wants to continue with the old and obsolete system, and Obama knows it. By following the marked trails by Roosevelt and his New Deal in the 1930s, we are going to get people to dig ditches, and rehabilitate immobilized with public money to see if it improves, but it would really between the smoky ruins of half of Europe after the second world war we find the origin of the recovery. There was much to rebuild and many potential consumers demanding things that are not manufactured. While it is not constitute a new growth model that should be taken very seriously the variable ghost human greed, with real multilateral bodies with international power, regulation and arbitration in the globalized financial markets current
While the senior management of the economy of this world are still coming from sectarian schools and classicist business without ethics or aesthetics, we will continue with the usual Crash, either with governments more or less interventionist.
That the economy is cyclical, it is something people linked to this science knows since it began to dive into it. But one thing are the usual swings in consumption or investment, with automatic corrections in the markets, and otherwise very different are sudden changes in the major macroeconomic aggregates. Sudden changes are explained by sudden changes in the factors that make up these aggregates, ladies and gentlemen neo-liberal there is no invisible hand sufficiently skillful autocorrection such ravings, if Adam Smith lifted the head today would be tossed to tremble with similar followers. Already can vaporize the think-tank being redesigned new monetary theories in the Chicago school, put candles Milton Friedman, who while do not include the variable greed in its reformulations, we will continue with the usual crash. The crisis of the 29 served on the aggregates of the claim, it was a crisis of overproduction, expectations were so high and the flow of investors in the stock market so high that a good day the excess stocks productive companies no longer being sold, the actions will no longer cover the expected benefits and panic spread, again the greed element inherent in human nature made act of presence. The crisis of the 1970s was a crisis of supply, for the first time with unemployment and inflation, a sudden rise in the price of oil caught us all in his underpants, the element greed based on a growth model with discounted technologies wasteful in the use of the oil returned to provoke a new crash. Similar to that of the 29 was the small scare 87 although to a lesser extent. The junk bonds and expectations greedy deposited in the performance with a high risk in packages of actions of large groups that offered miraculous yields and new fields of business such as biotechnology, deflated coup d'état. Although their effects are dragged until the mid-nineties, affecting the countries with the largest deficit via monetary systems as our country, that it was filled with a transition to alleged Misfit. In the current financial crisis reappears again the element greed, starring the top managers of the financial world. Their high trains of life is hard work getting used little and helps wean the baby off much, and keep them in course package the shit making it diverse and trusting that smelling less if they cheered by all the financial systems of the planet. To contribute to their financial products of design and high risk to the continued inflated of the real estate bubble. Again the invisible hand that everything balances of Adam Smith, not only does not balances all by act of magic if not that much less becomes a virtue public. Faced with this panorama is only a cartridge if it wants to continue with the old and obsolete system, and Obama knows it. By following the marked trails by Roosevelt and his New Deal in the 1930s, we are going to get people to dig ditches, and rehabilitate immobilized with public money to see if it improves, but it would really between the smoky ruins of half of Europe after the second world war we find the origin of the recovery. There was much to rebuild and many potential consumers demanding things that are not manufactured. While it is not constitute a new growth model that should be taken very seriously the variable ghost human greed, with real multilateral bodies with international power, regulation and arbitration in the globalized financial markets current
While the senior management of the economy of this world are still coming from sectarian schools and classicist business without ethics or aesthetics, we will continue with the usual Crash, either with governments more or less interventionist.
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Tienes mas razon que un santo cojones.
Un saludo seguire pasandome por aqui.
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